Wednesday, July 18, 2007

My Meezer Rule

It's time again for Meezer Rule Wednesday at Simply Siamese!

Caesar left a really nice comment on yesterday's Toes Tuesday post. He told me my paws were really clean, so I thought my Meezer Rule for today would be about how important it is to be consistent with the grooming of the paws. First, you have to get into the most comfortable position you can, because this could take awhile. Persistence and repetition are key. Here's a picture of me demonstrating my technique: Ahhh... I could do this for hours...

So, My Meezer Rule for today is:
Be sure to do proper cleaning of your paws (all four!) because the beans don't like it when you walk all over them with dirty, smelly paws.

And we all know how fun it is to walk all over the beans, don't we! So remember, let's keep it clean!


LZ said...

I completely agree! I am very fastidious about keeping my claws clean especially.


The Meezers or Billy said...

I totally agree! Great rule!

The Furry Kids said...

That is a good rule. I can see how you keep your toes so clean.

Earl Grey

HRH Yao-Lin said...

that is an excellent rule for those cats who respect their humans. I have no respect for my humans and I actually enjoy walking across their sleeping heads with poo prints. I am rather naughty though! x

Mosaic Cats said...

I wish I read this yesterday! For reasons only I know, I was all over Mosaic Lady's pillow last night and early this morning, walkin' and walkin' over and around her head. She put her hand on her pillow while half asleep and found ROCKS. (I mean, LITTER). She was so grateful to me.


Hi Toby! This is our first visit to you bloggie. It is very nice and interesting, and you are a very gorjuss meezer. Drop by and visit us anytime.


Just Ducky said...

That is important for all kitties, not just meezers!

Baxter said...

Great lesson! Hope you don't mind people comments.

jen said...

Toby's catnapping, but he said to assure you that he loves people comments. Besides, you know you're always welcome at our place, Bax! :)